SUCCESS! Pothithatkul Family from Thailand Recommends Helen Doron English
- Date2018/01/11 17:02
- Hit 1,909
Chawalit Pothithatkul and his wife “Peggy” Pitinun Kittikarunchit, are both bankers in Bangkok, Thailand and are the proud parents of “NanNan” Nantawadee, age 8 and “Zen” Thanat Pothithatkul, age 4. NanNan has been a Helen Doron student for five years and Zen since 2015.
Although English is taught in Thai schools from a very early age, Chawalit and Peggy decided to seek early English enrichment for their children “as the way English is taught is not enough for children to actually understand and speak.”
There is a lot of competition for English classes for young children, but they chose Helen Doron at the Siam Paragon learning centre because “we saw that there are small classes with a teacher who pays special attention to all students individually, and the children have fun in class.”
Chawalit relates that enrolling their children at Helen Doron was a good decision. “Both children have been able to communicate in English when I speak to them, even though they use Thai most of the time. In school NanNan already receives good grades on her English exams.”
He added that knowing English is very important in Thailand, and everywhere else internationally. “Wherever you go in the world, it is important to know good English, to be able to communicate and study.”
He concluded that he and his wife always recommend Helen Doron to anyone who asks. “The teachers are all excellent and the curriculum is appropriate for each age group. The children enjoy coming to the learning centre and always have fun! I hope our story inspires people around the world to love learning English properly, as my children are at Helen Doron.””
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